Here they are on stage.
Take a looksie at this video. Bear with my camera skills as I tried to corral a 16 month old girl who didn't want to sit.
Are they precious or what?
Here's Treyton's friends Ryan and Jonah.
Look at that cutie again smack dab in the middle. Made for the camera, I tell ya!
Later they had a few play the nativity scene. Can you take this cuteness?
Then it was back to Treyton's school for his party. Here they all are ready for their special snack time.
My boy! It's still hard to believe he's in preschool.
By this time I was "done" with Galina. So I put her in the corner. She was soooo tired. She fell asleep after 30 seconds in the car.
All in all it was a good day. Christmas break has officially begun!