This being the reason: we had help.
Bryce's parents came out for a visit and Bryce recruited them to assist.
I just took pictures. And yes, that is a power tool. The manly way to carve pumpkins.
Bryce insisted on carving all 4. He just wanted the seeds. Okay, I wanted them too. With extra salt! There's the finished products. My sweet sister sent a gift for the kids to celebrate Brielle's birth. Part of the package included a cute little pumpkin shirt. Galina grabbed it and wanted it on her baby. She proceeded to take care of HER baby Brielle. Both the Brielles were laying on the blanket for a while just hanging out.
We also had Circus Week at Treyton's preschool. The kids dressed up for a special program for parents. Galina got to wear her princess dress that day.Here we are waiting for the program to begin. Lots of kisses for baby sister.
There they come! Treyton is the shark between Spiderman and the Rockies baseball player.
They looked a bit scared. But once the music got going, they got grooving.
My favorite costume was this Frankenstein. To add to the character, he even walked like Frankenstein. His momma must've been so proud!!! (His mom is actually Treyton's Sun school teacher.) Next to Frankenstein is the girl Treyton wants to marry, Gracie. She was in Treyton's class last year. Makes a cute little witch, doesn't she?
And Grandma Kay got to take part of the festivities as the official baby holder that morning.
This is Treyton's class minus two girls.
And the big night finally arrived. Trick or treating! Wild children before leaving. Wild and crazy! It was sooo fun to take part in their joy. I just love being a parent!
Brielle and I hung out at home answering the door. Her little p.j.'s say "I want my mummy!" A friend stopped by earlier in the afternoon to give her that. She was pregnant thinking her baby would be there by Halloween, but she was late. Poor lady. (She was around 10 days overdue.) She graciously donated her unborn baby's outfit to Brielle. Thanks, Christie.
Here are our precious angels!
A bunny rabbit.
A shark.
This holiday was made for Galina. Our social one struck up a conversation at every door. She sang Happy Birthday to some, petted dogs, and told people she needed more candy for her mom and dad. Poor Bryce. He tried to convince people that he didn't teach her to say that (which he really didn't), but I was grateful for the extra candy. That's my girl!