This compact size Bible published by Tyndale is a great looking, good quality Bible for "tweens". Those kids who are not quite children but also are not teenagers yet are often overlooked by publishers. Not so with this Bible. It's cover is "cool" and the size makes it handy to stick in a backpack or purse (there's a girl and guy version). It's the New Living Translation which is extremely easy to understand and yet is faithful to the original text.
The Bible contains three distinct sections which follows the acronym VIP. V stands for value, something preteens often struggle with. This section discusses how you are valuable to God. The I stands for identity, another thing tweens struggle with as they seek to discover who they are. Finding their identity in Christ is the key to successful teen years, in my opinion. The P section goes into purpose, the reason for their lives. Since they are valued in God's eyes and have an identity in Him, they have a purpose in this life. That is encouraging and motivating.
I liked the Bible and the sections a lot, but what I would have liked better would have been having the information more throughout the Bible rather than in just three sections. It would've been neat to see more quotes or articles relating to the VIP scattered her and there, but they just placed the sections in three distinct inserts in the Bible. I guess that's helpful to refer to, but I was thinking it would be even better to have a sort of devotional type Bible with correlating insights, quotes, or stories throughout.
I received a copy of this Bible from Tyndale for review. All opinions are my own. I was not paid to do this review.