Last night as Bryce was touring the Orion Spacecraft and going to a meeting on some such space travel vehicle or something, I was left with the kids and nausea. So I decided to watch Peter Pan with the kids. After trying to convince Treyton that he should pretend to be Peter or one of the Lost Boys (instead of Tinker Bell, which he insisted he wanted to "be") I gave up and let him flutter to bed and started calling Galina Captain Hook.
When I went to bed I had to chuckle over some of the strange thinkings of a 3 year old's mind.
In the last 2 weeks he has declared the following career choices: an astronaut, a McDonald's worker, a farmer, a coach, a mommy (not a daddy as I said he could be), and a fireman. Then he changed his mind about being a fireman when he learned he had to go into burning buildings.
He often thinks he will turn into something else when he "gets big". Like a dog. Or a baby. Whenever he eats vegetables he makes me look at how he's growing.
These are just some of the many ramblings that come from my precious boy. Fluttering around like Tinkerbell, sliding on the hardwood floor like a hockey player, or sleeping tenderly with his blankie. I just love that kid and thank my God for the opportunity to know him.