Here's Treyton, one very excited egg hunter, just before taking off.
Since Brielle was the youngest, she got to have a wee-bit of a head start.Galina wasn't sure how she felt about that. Actually, she was sure and she didn't like it.
But she lost no time when they released her.
I would've been scared to stick my hand in a hole like that. In Brielle's case, ignorance is bliss.
Galina's all business.
She's more of a big picture sort of girl, like her mom.
And Treyton was in his detective mode having a blast.
He's also good with details. Except when it comes to unscrunching his socks before putting them in the laundry.
Brielle stayed out of it. Smart kid.
Here they are enjoying the loot.
And some brunch.
Happy Belated Easter, everyone!