Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Treyton's 5th B-day

It was just 5 years ago that this guy showed up.

It rocked my world.

Forever changed. 

I became a mommy.

A day for celebrating!
After spending time at the pool in the morning and having great afternoon naps, we went to Treyton's favorite restaurant for dinner.  Then came the presents.
Just ignore the Christmas paper, it's all we had.  Treyton didn't seem to mind. 

Neither did Brielle.
I just LOVE the excitement of birthdays.
Brielle even discovered a new hobby: fencing.
And this newly turned 5 yr old is ready to take on the world!
Happy birthday to my Superboy!


This picture fits our three kids' personalities to a tee.  Treyton is our learner/teacher.  Galina is the enthusiastic one forever on stage yet with a nurturing heart and tender spirit.  And Brielle, sweet Brielle.  She adds joy, peace, and laughter to any situation. 
It's so fun to discover the personalities they are born with.  They continually amaze me as I don't think I could possibly love them more.  Then another day comes, and I do.

Thank you, Lord, for these sweet little people you've entrusted to me.  What a delightful dynamic they bring to my life.