Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tu-Tu Take Over

Tu-Tus are beginning to take over our house. Just take a look-see.... It began with Daisy. Chin up and smile! Then Treyton had to get involved. That did not sit well with Galina so she insisted on having hers back on.
And, what's doll? Baby doll has a tu-tu too?
I don't even know what to say about this.
It was a happy tu-tu day.

These are the kind of snakes I can deal with

It was 4:30pm. The bewitching hour. And Treyton wanted to do a craft. So I thought this up to satisfy the little crumb cruncher. I just cut out a few circles and had him decorate them.
Next I started cutting in a spiral shape.
Then I formed the "face" of the snake and drew a smile. Because all snakes in my house are happy and friendly. Then I killed it by drilling a hole in the head with a hole punch. Drill, baby drill.
We found some string and made it into a puppet pet.
We gave one to Galina. Here's what it looked like after about 5 minutes.
Poor snake. I guess she shares her mother's sediments regarding snakes.