Friday, February 25, 2011

New Digs From Grandma

A fun thing that Bryce's parents do is send a care package for each holiday.  I have no idea how Sharon does it.  I can't even get a thank you sent in the mail let alone a little gift for each grandkid!  (She has 6._  Anyways, this time the kids received, along with candy, a book and new clothes.
Brielle was fascinated with her new skirt.  She's recently gotten into accessories.
 She really loved it!
 And Galina's new skirt was darling.  I had the perfect shirt to match too.

 Galina wore this outfit for three days in a row before I forced her (literally) to wear something else.
 She twirled a lot in those three days.
 And Mr. T looked dapper in his new shirt.  Sporty and fun! 
Thanks to Grandma Sharon for her time and effort!  Happy Valentine's Day right back at ya!


Brent (my brother) and June (his wife) gave us their son Marat's old flag sweater a while a go.  When I was in MN I found a matching one and simply had to get it.  So here we are, just my boy and me. 

Knight and Shining...Hippo?

Most little princesses have a knight an shining armor.
 But not Galina. She dances to a different drummer.  Her favorite animal is the hippo.  So she devised this....a knight and shining hippo.
 I love that she keeps her expectations in check.


Brielle's been learning from her older sister on how to accessorize.
 Except she's not got it down yet.
 But she tries hard!
 Headbands become necklaces. This old stuffed Santa Bear hat and scarf work well to finish off this outfit.

And we can't forget that every girl with an older brother should have a turn with the cowboy hat.

Oh, sweet Brielle!