Sunday, July 18, 2010

Book Review - The Faith Dare

The Faith Dare is a devotional book by Debbie Alsdorf. It’s divided into four parts. The first part explains faith and why it’s important. This section also explains why testing our faith is part of the walk of a believer.

The second part of this book begins a thirty day challenge. Section two is about a personal relationship with God. It’s in a daily devotional format. Each day begins with a verse and a little story or topic or some such thing to convey an idea or teach a lesson. Then there is a praise/prayer usually coming from Psalms. Next is a series of verses called “today’s truth” which relate to the topic for the day. Alsdorf also uses this section to teach more about God’s word and how it applies to us today. After the teaching comes “today’s dare” which are challenges on how to apply the teaching and scripture to life in practical ways. Then there is a journal section for each day consisting of three questions to make it stick. The last two parts include a short prayer and finally a summation of the lesson/application in one or two sentences.

Although all of that sounds like a lot, each day is only around five pages. It definitely takes time but is do-able.

Part three and four of The Faith Dare continue the challenge in the same format as part two. Part three is about surrendering self; part four is about our relationship to others.

This is a good book, encouraging us to plod along, learn from our experiences, form new habits, and live to please God alone, trusting in His Word.