Saturday, January 10, 2009


Galina has been into accessorizing lately. She especially loves shoes. We find our shoes all over the house, not due to our laziness but to Galina's early obsession.When she realized that she couldn't get around as fast in Daddy's shoes, she went to Treyton's boots. And a few more things to make her outfit "just so". She couldn't resist Aunt Amy's crown and veil leftover from her bachlorette party. Then she tried to put on her coat.
After laughing at her expense for a few minutes, well, just a few more minutes
we helped her. In turn, she decided to help her baby doll. Galina stuck her shoes on baby doll.
I think she was ready for a night out? Oh the bling... Bryce says, "I pitty the fool!" when she adorns herself so. (That's for those of you who remember Mr. T and the A-Team)
One evening she stuck her finger in the light socket. Okay, not really but it sure looks like it in this picture. And yes, she's wearing what you think she's wearing.
Bryce's unders.
But all in all, I must admit, I like my girl this way best. Pure. Innocent. Simple. Sweet.No accessories needed.


This is what my house looked like yesterday too! When someone asks me, "Do you work?" I just have to laugh.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Footprint Snowman

If you have any cute feet hanging around you might try this. Put white paint on it. If you use a paintbrush, the owner of the feet will laugh. Works every time.
Carefully make a print on a piece of paper.
Little feet work well for this too.
They think it's pretty cool.
Then take little thumbs and put white paint on them as well. Let them make thumbprints all over the page. This will create the snow effect.
But make sure not to be cooking rice for dinner or it might turn out looking like this. Burnt.
Then add a face to your snowman as well as a ribbon or some fabric for a scarf. Big or little, footprint snowmen will melt your heart.

We Didn't Forget Daisy

Daisy spent the week that we were gone in a kennel. (Poor dog!) But, when she got home, she got a welcome home surprise.
Go to town, Daisy May!
She earned it!

Over the River and Through the Woods

Early Christmas morning we headed to the airport for our journey to my hometown. Stupidly, we didn't bring a stroller. Galina was squirming and getting heavier by the minute. And with lines so long, there were many minutes! Well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what to do....but it helped having one around in this situation. He stuck the girl on our suitcase. This made Galina as well as her mommy's tired arms happy.
Treyton was doing great with his Elmo suitcase filled with toys and lollipops.
Daddy taught Galina a thing or two about checking in.
Next we were off to the security line. Which was longer than the ticketing line. At least it kept moving. Treyton led the way as Galina followed. Look at those arms as Galina tries to sneak in front of Treyton. Speed walking at 17 months.
Since Treyton was interested in people watching, he didn't mind his sister's rudeness.
After standing in lines for an especially long time, we scurried to the concourse. It's a scary feeling when you get to the gate and there are no others waiting around. Not that this happened to us or anything. Luckily we were there in time to be let on the plane.
Galina was happy to go back and forth between her two biggest fans.
Bryce used his engineering skills to help get the headset to fit Treyton so he could watch Wall-E on our laptop.
But all of it was worth it because once we got to our destination, my brother's house, I got to get some of this.
My sister's new baby, Carter. Boy did I need that!
Here's the new mommy with Carter.
But look at this! If I were just visiting, I would bet my lunch money that Galina was her kid. But this little munchkin belongs to me, and for that I will be forever thankful to God and his unfailing love!