Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fall Activities

Treyton dropped dance (sniffle, sniffle) because he wanted to try soccer this fall. So right now I'm a soccer mom. And loving it!
He's had two practices and these are the pictures from his first game. Notice the curly haired kid in the white jersery (below) kicking the ball? Well, call him Pele. He was the star. All the kids, including his own teammates just chased him around. He scored around 621 goals, I think. When they took Curly out we scored.
Treyton said he had fun but didn't seem to like being in the middle of the action. He, being on the younger and smaller side, was a little intimidated, I think. Neither Bryce nor I were into contact sports and I could see him being of that same design. We'll see. However, he really likes to run. Maybe when we get a little more experience under his belt he'll be more comfortable, who knows. This was the best attempt for the two teams to slap hands at the end. You know, good sportsmanship and all. They didn't get the lining up thing very well, but Treyton was sure to high five Curly's hand and tell him good game. I was proud of him! Do they make soccer mom bumper stickers that say something about slapping the hand of the star opponent? There must be something out there....
And Galina started up her dance class in the "good" studio. She has also taken some classes in an inferior place, but this past week her regular class resumed.
Miss Linda has lots of tricks up her sleeve. Like dancing with a feather.
Here she's surprising the kids with a blast of air and feathers from the tumbling mats. No peeking!
Galina loves Miss Linda. On her left is her friend, Libby. Love the tutu, Lib!
Finishing their turns, I caught them hanging out together.
Nigh-night time to settle down before leaving class.
And a stamp to show off to everyone we meet.
I love being a dancer's mom too! Heck, I just love being a mom!!!!

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