Thursday, December 11, 2008

Golden Wassail

I found the BEST recipe for a fall or holiday drink. Here's the recipe.
Golden Wassail
4 C Pineapple Juice
4 C Apple Cider
12-oz Can Apricot Nectar (found in juice isle of grocer)
1 C Orange Juice
1/2 tsp Cardamom (what's that? I just used cinnamon)
2 4-inch cinnamon sticks
1 tsp whole cloves
1/4 tsp salt
Put the cloves in cheese cloth or leftover toole from tu-tu making or something that will keep it separate from the rest so they don't float all over. You can throw the cinnamon sticks in there too but they are easy to pick out so it's not necessary. Then dump everything else in a crock pot. Let it simmer for a while and enjoy. Oh heaven!

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